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frame (mini-app)

The frame packages are used to create a mini-app that can be embedded in a web page. They implement a micro-frontend pattern that facilitates run-time integration via iframes.

There are 2 packages:

  • @eventpop-oss/frame-host - The host package is for the application that will embed the mini-app.
  • @eventpop-oss/frame-guest - The guest package is for the mini-app that will be embedded. Mini-apps are built with React.

A communication channel between the host and the guest is establish using the postMessage API.

They work together to:

  • Auto-resize the iframe to fit the content.
  • Provide an RPC mechanism to call functions in the guest from the host and vice versa (loosely based on JSON-RPC).
  • Provide joint history management between the host and the guest.

Creating a mini-app

Implement a mini-app using React and the @eventpop-oss/frame-guest package.


It features a routing system based on React Router 6.4.

Some hacks are added to allow it to synchronize the history with the parent window.

Advanced customization

Use <MiniAppSettingsProvider /> to customize the mini-app’s settings.

Resize pausing

Sometimes the auto-resize feature needs to be temporarily disabled. For example, auto-resizing while a drag and drop interaction is in progress can cause it to be canceled. To resolve this problem:

  • Create a ResizePauser using new ResizePauser(). You can put it in the module scope.

  • When a drag and drop interaction starts, call resizePauser.pause().

  • When the drag and drop interaction ends, call resizePauser.unpause().

Embedding a mini-app

Use the @eventpop-oss/frame-host package to embed a mini-app.

  • Create an iframe and use the MiniAppIframeController class to embed a mini-app into that iframe.

  • Call .dispose() on the instance when you no longer need it.